Winter is coming at us hard and in a hurry!
While it's a little early to be talking about snow, it's a LOT early to be talking about temperatures in the single digits and teens. But that may very well be our reality by midweek next week.
Take a look at the current jet stream winds with an already deep trough of low pressure in place across eastern sections of the continent. Now look closer at the area circled located over the Arctic in the far Northern Provinces of Canada.

Now let's animate and see where it goes...

That low pressure lobe ends up swinging all the way down into far Southern Ontario/Quebec and the Northeastern US next week.
So what does this mean?
This is a text book example of a displacement of the Polar Vortex and will send some spine tingling chills our way by Tuesday and Wednesday where current run of th Euro supercomputer puts the Eastern Half of the US at 20 to 30 degree below average for the second week of November.

AND in case you have forgotten, November isn't exactly a warm month which is why we are expecting some record challenging temperatures with the Euro going with widespread TEENS and SINGLE DIGITS by Wednesday morning. Ouch!!

In case you are counting, the record low for next Wednesday is 17 degrees. We will be very close to that number, if not colder.
In addition to the cold there will be the potential for more snowfall as well. Discussing that potential in tonight's edition of WxLIVEat845. See you in a bit!